03/01/2025 0 Comments
Animal Law: Linking it to sustainable development.
To break the ice I will refer to a news item in which a man has been charged for killing a dog.
Is this justice, is it necessary to resort to criminal law to make society aware of the respect for life, is it even more influential, is it dangerous for a person to perpetrate such an act with impunity, is it more violent for people with such a background?
A dog is man's best friend, but not the other way round... As for the right to life, which is regulated in our constitution in article 15, this includes life in all its aspects, be it that of people, as well as that of flora and fauna. I am obviously including pets. art.45 EC respect for the environment.
The Treaty of Lisbon, art.13 among others, highlights the sensitivity of animals as living beings, and the dignity and welfare of animals as a "procedural" fundamental right due to its indirect link with other fundamental rights.
And in the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia. EAA Art.28.Rights in environmental matters.Art.205 protection of animals.Art 206 Incentives and ecological taxation measures.
Advanced societies should be characterised by a respect for life in general. But it also says a lot in the way they treat their animals, both consumer and companion animals, their natural resources in an urban environment, in your own city, in your own neighbourhood.
To this end, I quote the words of Mathama Gandhi: "Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Watch your words, for they will become your deeds. Watch your actions, for they will become your habits. Watch your habits, for they will become your destiny".
What would our society be like if we were to judge it by these parameters? answer for yourselves
With all this, our society needs nature and its resources to supply the vortex of the developed countries. And all this on the basis of a lot of proteins, food ingested almost systematically by mankind since man has been "man", without a doubt the key lies in the need to eat what is alive. And in eliminating in a more or less "humanised" way that being that we are going to ingest aposteriori. This gives us a deep feeling of being hunters, a basic instinct subject to the instinct of survival. A justification of why to take life by abusing our superiority in the end: to be hunter or prey.
This philosophy breaks down when mankind is able to make its own food for subsistence. And this changes its nature substantially and thus comes to manifest itself in social behaviour characterised by greater humanity, a more evolved society.
But what if we could make our own meat?
It would be the great discovery of the 21st century. The animal kingdom would no longer have to be society's slave in order to supply it with protein, i.e. "animal rights" would be universally respected. Because humanity would not have to "kill" its prey as the animal kingdom does. It would mean a substantial differentiation from the very nature of the rest of mammals (our "animal" instinct).
Isn't Evolution what we are constantly pursuing, even without being aware of it?
For all this, I leave some links that are not to be missed:
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